CSPs: Meeting regulatory objectives

The overhaul of the legal and regulatory framework applicable to CSPs has considerably enhanced the regulatory obligations of authorised company service providers.

Join us for this seminar during which we shall be delving into the practical implications of these changes and the actions which CSPs are required to take to ensure ongoing compliance with these obligations.


08:30am – 09:00am Registration & coffee
09:00am – 09:10am Welcome remarks
André Zerafa (Managing Partner, Ganado Advocates)
09:10am – 09:30am The CSP Regime – Demystified
James Farrugia (Partner, Ganado Advocates)
09:30am – 09:50am AML-CFT risk exposures for CSPs
Luigi Farrugia (Advocate, Ganado Advocates)
09:50am – 10:25am AML-CFT obligations: In practice
Mario Zerafa (Senior Associate, Ganado Advocates)
10:25am – 10:50am Coffee break
10:50am – 11:30am Regulatory considerations – Have you upped your game?
Marina Grech (Senior Associate, Ganado Advocates)
11:30am – 12:30pm Panel discussion:
Raising the bar through CSP reformModerated by:
Marina Grech (Senior Associate, Ganado Advocates)

Emily Benson (Head of Conduct Supervision, MFSA)
Daniel Frendo (Senior Manager – Legal Affairs, FIAU)
André Zerafa (Managing Partner, Ganado Advocates)
12:30pm – 12:45pm Q&As
12:45pm onwards Lunch

Registration fee

€70 (incl. VAT)

Should you have any questions about the seminar or if you have trouble accessing any of the links, kindly contact the marketing team on marketing@ganado.com or call on +356 2123 5406.