James Farrugia speaks on Bloxlive TV about cryptocurrencies Published on October 23, 2018 Last week, James Farrugia was invited to speak on two Bloxlive TV panels related to cryptocurrencies. The first discussion looked at banking sector regulations on cryptocurrencies and the collaboration between the two industries. James explained it is important to bridge the gap between the crypto industry and the banking sector, because if there is a lack of convergence, both may be impacted negatively. He further highlighted the meaning of Malta as a regulated cryptocurrency space and what it means for blockchain based businesses who want to set up on the island. The second panel discussed universities investing assets in cryptocurrency funds. James commented that the sector attracting university endowments is a step in the right direction, because in order for the sector to develop even further it needs to access institutional funding. Moreover, it is seen as encouragement and a sign of stability for other investors to start or continue investing in the cryptocurrency sector. Go back