Webinar: MFSA consultation: Guidance on technology arrangements, ICT and security risk management and outsourcing arrangements

21st August 2020
09:30 – 12:30

Webinar Details

The Malta Financial Services Authority has issued a consultation document on the 30th June 2020 in relation to Guidance on Technology Arrangements, ICT and Security Risk Management and Outsourcing Arrangements. The consultation period ends on the 28th August 2020 and will be followed by a thematic review. By way of this document, the MFSA is proposing to issue principle-based guidelines regarding ICT governance within the financial services industry. Ganado Advocates shall be organising an online workshop on the subject to assist companies get a better understanding of MFSA’s expectations and to have a forum where views on this consultation can be shared and discussed with industry peers.

Beppe Sammut and Julian Boffa, from Ganado Advocates’ Insurance team, will be presenting the webinar.

Who Should Attend?

Directors, Senior Management, Compliance Officers, IT Managers and Service Providers, Internal Auditors, Administrators, Insurance Managers, Insurance Agents and Brokers, Ancillary Insurance Intermediaries and Risk Managers.


Participation is free of charge upon registration. Click here to confirm your attendance.