Publications November 7, 2020 Court supports measures imposed by the MFSA and the ECB On the 15 October 2020, in the First Hall Civil Court judgement Mr. Messaging Limited vs Nemea Bank plc...
Publications April 4, 2016 MFSA launches new framework for alternative investor funds On the 11th February 2016, the Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”) announced the launch of a new framework...
Publications February 4, 2016 Outcome of Thematic Review Carried Out by MFSA in Respect of Trustees and Other Fiduciaries In the course of 2015, the Conduct Supervisory Unit (“CSU”) within the MFSA carried out a desk-based compliance review...
Publications February 3, 2016 UCITS V – ESMA Issues Q&As on Updating Fund Documentation On 1 February 2016, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) released its questions and answers (Q&As) on the...