Practice news June 6, 2018 An overview of the Malta Digital Innovation Authority Bill The Malta Digital Innovation Authority Bill (the “Bill”), presented in Parliament on 24th April 2018, proceeded to the second...
Firm news June 5, 2018 ILS event on The New Legislative Framework relating to Blockchain and CryptoCurrencies Dr. Max Ganado, Mr. James Farrugia and Dr. Leonard Bonello will provide an overview of the recently published Bills in...
Firm news June 5, 2018 Dr. Max Ganado joins Lex Mundi panel discussion on token sales Dr. Max Ganado spoke about the proposed DLT legislation in Malta at the Lex Mundi Cross-Border Transactions Practice Group meeting...
Firm news June 1, 2018 Dr. Max Ganado co-authors article on Legal Personality for Blockchains, DAOs and Smart Contracts Dr. Max Ganado has co-authored an article on ‘Legal Personality for Blockchains, DAOs and Smart Contracts’ in the newest edition...
Practice news May 24, 2018 Malta Government publishes three Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) bills Earlier this week, the Maltese Government published the three bills which shall implement a framework for Distributed Ledger Technology...
Firm news May 18, 2018 GANADO Advocates co-sponsors Global ABS 2018 GANADO Advocates are co-sponsoring the 22nd Annual Global ABS 2018 conference in partnership with FinanceMalta, that will take place...
Firm news May 4, 2018 James Farrugia speaks at AIM Summit in Abu Dhabi On 2nd-3rd May, James Farrugia and Simon Schembri attended the Alternative Investment Management Conference (AIM Summit) in Abu Dhabi....
Firm news April 26, 2018 Presentation on Legal Personality for Blockchain Following on from earlier presentations at local events on blockchain, Dr. Max Ganado, Senior Partner at GANADO Advocates, gave...
Practice news April 19, 2018 Dr Simon Schembri and Dr Leonard Bonello attend Global Blockchain Expo in London The Global Blockchain Expo being held at the Olympia in London between 18-19th April, is a leading blockchain...
Firm news March 5, 2018 GANADO Advocates at Blockchain Malta Association Conference Last Friday, 2 March 2018, Blockchain Malta Association organised a conference on the consultation paper issued by Government earlier...
Firm news November 13, 2017 GANADO Advocates at ILS Blockchain and Smart Contracts event On 7 November, the Institute of Legal Studies Malta organised a session about Blockchain and Smart Contracts attracting a...
Events November 3, 2017 Dr Max Ganado and Dr Leonard Bonello speaking at the ILS Blockchain and Smart Contracts event Dr Max Ganado, Senior Partner at GANADO Advocates and Dr Leonard Bonello, Senior Associate at GANADO Advocates, will be...