Events November 15, 2020 The 12th Employment Case Law Annual Conference for 2019 – 2020 Employment law constantly changes, with unprecedented challenges for businesses. Now more than ever, companies need to understand employment laws...
News & events February 14, 2020 Vacation leave entitlement during ‘time out’ in case of reinstatement The AG of the ECJ has just opined that workers should be entitled to vacation leave during a period...
Events November 13, 2018 GANADO Advocates co-organises 10th Annual Employment Case Law Conference On 28 November, GANADO Advocates, together with Twenty-one Law and BCGL Advocates will be co-organising the 10th annual Employment...
Practice news October 24, 2018 Dr Matthew Brincat speaks at Annual HR Conference 2018 On 19th October, the Annual HR Conference, which took place at the Hilton Hotel, attracted 485 delegates. This year’s...