//= do_shortcode('[niu_breadcrumbs single_blog="1"]') ?> General Elections Change Government But Not Key Economic Policies Author: Published on March 14, 2013 The results of the general elections held on 9th March, 2013 mean that a new party is in government for the first time in 15 years. The new government has already signalled its commitment towards continuity and that it will sustain existing policies in the key economic and commercial sectors, including the financial, maritime and aviation service sectors, amongst others. It has also indicated its intention to adopt the outgoing government’s unapproved budget, practically in its entirety, during the first sessions of the new Parliament. The allocation of a Ministry for European Affairs is an indication of the EU’s importance for the country and that preparations for Malta’s assumption of the EU Presidency (its first) in 2017 will be high on the agenda of the new Government. Valletta as 2018 European Capital of Culture has also been included in the portfolio of the Tourism Ministry. Go back