Firm news November 26, 2013 GANADO Advocates recognised as top 5 European funds law firm by Hedge Funds Review GANADO Advocates is pleased to announce that it has been voted among the top 5 law firms in Europe...
Events November 8, 2013 FinanceMalta Seminar: Milan, October 2013 FinanceMalta, a foundation set up for the purpose of promoting the Maltese financial services industry, organised an afternoon seminar...
Practice news September 10, 2013 EMIR – more risk mitigation techniques coming into force on 15 September 2013 Commission Delegation Regulation (EU) No 149/2013 of 19 December 2012 which came into force on 15 March 2013 set...
Practice news June 25, 2013 Malta publishes final AIFMD implementing measures: Malta is open for AIFMD business On 25 June, 2013 the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) issued the final implementing measures for Malta's transposition of...
Practice news February 19, 2013 Corporate Governance Manual for Funds published On 15th February, 2013, the Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”) published a Corporate Governance Manual for Directors of...