Insights by Neil Bezzina Publications July 9, 2021 Assessing the quantum for lost items In its judgement on the 28 June 2021, delivered in the names of Gabriel Monterrosa (the “Plaintiff”) vs Short... News & events May 14, 2021 ESMA updates Q&As relating to the Prospectus Regulation Publications May 6, 2021 Presta Nome Mandate In its judgement on the 27 April 2021, delivered in the names of Peter Camilleri (the “Plaintiff”) vs Lee... Practice news March 4, 2021 Capital Markets Update: Covid-19 Response – Postponement of ESEF reporting requirements Practice news February 18, 2021 Capital Markets Update: ESMA offers insight on potential EU market abuse issues arising from social media driven share trading Following recent events whereby various US stocks have experienced high price volatility due to a significant accumulation of net... News & events July 23, 2020 COVID-19: New Regulations for public companies extending the period for Annual General Meetings Practice news July 13, 2020 Annual financial reports for financial years commencing on or after 1 January 2020 are to be prepared using ESEF Issuers having securities admitted to trading on European Union Regulated Markets (“EU Regulated Markets”) are reminded that annual financial... Practice news July 9, 2020 European Commission approves €18.7 million Maltese bond subscription in light of the economic impact of COVID-19 Publications April 3, 2020 ESMA risk assessment update in light of COVID-19 On 2 April 2020, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) updated its risk assessment to account for the... Publications April 1, 2020 COVID-19: MFSA Circular on ESMA’s Position on SFTR Backloading Publications March 20, 2020 COVID-19: MFSA Circular on Contingency Planning for Licence Holders On March 13, 2020, the Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”), issued a circular indicating that it is closely... Publications July 16, 2019 Brexit considerations for UK licenced Investment Funds, Asset Managers and Investment Firms passporting into Malta 1 2
Publications July 9, 2021 Assessing the quantum for lost items In its judgement on the 28 June 2021, delivered in the names of Gabriel Monterrosa (the “Plaintiff”) vs Short...
Publications May 6, 2021 Presta Nome Mandate In its judgement on the 27 April 2021, delivered in the names of Peter Camilleri (the “Plaintiff”) vs Lee...
Practice news March 4, 2021 Capital Markets Update: Covid-19 Response – Postponement of ESEF reporting requirements
Practice news February 18, 2021 Capital Markets Update: ESMA offers insight on potential EU market abuse issues arising from social media driven share trading Following recent events whereby various US stocks have experienced high price volatility due to a significant accumulation of net...
News & events July 23, 2020 COVID-19: New Regulations for public companies extending the period for Annual General Meetings
Practice news July 13, 2020 Annual financial reports for financial years commencing on or after 1 January 2020 are to be prepared using ESEF Issuers having securities admitted to trading on European Union Regulated Markets (“EU Regulated Markets”) are reminded that annual financial...
Practice news July 9, 2020 European Commission approves €18.7 million Maltese bond subscription in light of the economic impact of COVID-19
Publications April 3, 2020 ESMA risk assessment update in light of COVID-19 On 2 April 2020, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) updated its risk assessment to account for the...
Publications March 20, 2020 COVID-19: MFSA Circular on Contingency Planning for Licence Holders On March 13, 2020, the Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”), issued a circular indicating that it is closely...
Publications July 16, 2019 Brexit considerations for UK licenced Investment Funds, Asset Managers and Investment Firms passporting into Malta