Employment insights Practice news September 15, 2017 Tax incentives for Malta local pension plans published By means of LN 228 of 2017, entitled ‘Voluntary Occupational Pension Scheme Rules’, the Government has finally launched the... Events May 11, 2017 GANADO Advocates participates at FinanceMalta’s 10th Annual Conference Practice news April 11, 2017 EIOPA issues Q&As on EU Regulation The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a new set of Q&As on (i) EU Regulation... Practice news April 10, 2017 EIOPA publishes Discussion Paper on proposed Level 2 measures of Solvency II Events November 17, 2016 Employment Case Law 8th Annual Conference GANADO Advocates, Twenty-one Law and BCGL Advocates have once again organised a half day conference to discuss significant employment... Events November 14, 2016 GANADO Advocates at SiGMA ’16 Events October 25, 2016 Employing expatriates – Global Employer Services 2016 A seminar on employment law matters and the Malta tax implications of expatriates working in Malta As companies grow... Firm news October 19, 2016 Tax incentives for Malta employers who contribute into Malta private occupational pension schemes Events June 22, 2016 Dr Matthew Brincat Speaks at IFS Pensions Seminar The Institute of Financial Services (IFS) invited Dr Matthew Brincat to contribute to a Seminar on the pension system... Events May 9, 2016 GANADO Advocates Participates at FinanceMalta 9th Annual Conference Events March 23, 2016 GANADO Advocates Speakers in New York for an Event on Asset Management and Pensions Dr Matthew Brincat, Partner within GANADO Advocates’ Insurance and Pensions practice, and Mr James Farrugia, Partner within the firm’s... Practice news February 12, 2016 Is this the end of the Industrial Tribunal as we know it? GWU vs AG (Feb 2016) 1 … 3 4 5 6 7
Practice news September 15, 2017 Tax incentives for Malta local pension plans published By means of LN 228 of 2017, entitled ‘Voluntary Occupational Pension Scheme Rules’, the Government has finally launched the...
Practice news April 11, 2017 EIOPA issues Q&As on EU Regulation The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a new set of Q&As on (i) EU Regulation...
Practice news April 10, 2017 EIOPA publishes Discussion Paper on proposed Level 2 measures of Solvency II
Events November 17, 2016 Employment Case Law 8th Annual Conference GANADO Advocates, Twenty-one Law and BCGL Advocates have once again organised a half day conference to discuss significant employment...
Events October 25, 2016 Employing expatriates – Global Employer Services 2016 A seminar on employment law matters and the Malta tax implications of expatriates working in Malta As companies grow...
Firm news October 19, 2016 Tax incentives for Malta employers who contribute into Malta private occupational pension schemes
Events June 22, 2016 Dr Matthew Brincat Speaks at IFS Pensions Seminar The Institute of Financial Services (IFS) invited Dr Matthew Brincat to contribute to a Seminar on the pension system...
Events March 23, 2016 GANADO Advocates Speakers in New York for an Event on Asset Management and Pensions Dr Matthew Brincat, Partner within GANADO Advocates’ Insurance and Pensions practice, and Mr James Farrugia, Partner within the firm’s...
Practice news February 12, 2016 Is this the end of the Industrial Tribunal as we know it? GWU vs AG (Feb 2016)