//= do_shortcode('[niu_breadcrumbs single_blog="1"]') ?> Andre Zerafa at the MFSA Asset Management Developments workshop Author: Ganado Advocates Published on February 8, 2024 On the 2nd of February, the MFSA hosted a workshop at the Xara Lodge on developments in asset management. The aim of the workshop was to provide an overview of the MFSA’s strategic regulatory policy and supervisory priorities relevant to the asset management sector, as well as other regulatory and strategic insights. Managing Partner Andre Zerafa, as chair of the Asset Management Working Group within the Malta Financial Services Advisory Council, participated in a panel discussion entitled ‘Malta as a Fund Management Jurisdiction’. Andre’ highlighted the importance of a more coordinated focus on the jurisdiction’s marketing efforts which should identify the niche areas where Malta would make sense as a domicile of choice. He also pointed out that the jurisdiction has over 25 years of experience in asset management, its arsenal of legal solutions is vast and exhaustive while the level of sophistication of service providers compares very well with that obtaining in other fund jurisdictions; it is now a matter of rolling our collective sleeves and working to ensure the continued success of the jurisdiction. Go back