Public Procurement Law Conference

We have the pleasure of announcing our second Public Procurement Law Conference on the 2nd October 2024.

The feedback that we received last year overwhelmingly favoured our case-law interactive session, so we’ve expanded on that. We’ll have a highly focused session where we explore both PCRB decisions and Court of Appeal judgements which have shaped the landscape this year. The event will also include an overview of recent policy developments on a national and EU level, a panel discussion on best price quality ratio and a fireside chat on good governance in public procurement.

The Public Procurement Law Conference targets bidders, public authorities and other stakeholders who are keen to keep up with the times in the constantly changing and complex world of public procurement. The Conference is aimed at bringing together industry leaders and key stakeholders to share knowledge, discuss recent developments, and explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Chatham House Rule

The conference will be held under the Chatham House Rule to facilitate an open and honest discussion.


08.30 am Coffee and registration
09.00 am Welcome and opening address
Antoine Cremona (Partner, Ganado Advocates)
09.15 am Keynote speech
Adrian Dalli (Director General, Department of Contracts)
09.30 am A year in review

An overview of key regulatory and policy developments in public procurement in Malta and in the EU

European Court of Auditors’ Report on public procurement in the EU – Less competition for contracts awarded for works, goods and services in the 10 years up to 2021

European Commission’s public procurement portal

Recent changes to ePPS

Implementation of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation in public procurement

Presentation by:
Clement Mifsud-Bonnici (Senior Associate, Ganado Advocates)
Calvin Calleja (Associate, Ganado Advocates)

09.45 am Panel discussion

Good, fast, cheap public procurement
A discussion on the take-up of best price quality ratio in Government tenders, including, common pitfalls and missed opportunities by Government and bidders.
Moderated by:
Krista Refalo (Advocate, Ganado Advocates)
Dr. Gordon Cordina (Executive Director, e-Cubed Consultants Ltd)
Dr. Pauline Debono (Senior Legal Counsel, Hili Ventures Limited)
Ninette Gatt (Senior Manager – Strategy and Operations, Department of Contracts)

10.30 am Refreshments
11.00 am Case-law review

An overview of the key court judgments and decisions on public procurement
Presentation by:
Clement Mifsud-Bonnici (Senior Associate, Ganado Advocates)
Calvin Calleja (Associate, Ganado Advocates)

12.30 pm Good governance in government tenders: A small island state perspective
A fireside chat with Prof. Mario Thomas Vassallo (Head of Department of Public Policy, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, University of Malta) and Antoine Cremona (Partner, Ganado Advocates)
10 minutes will be allotted for questions from the audience.
01.20 pm Closing address
Clement Mifsud-Bonnici (Senior Associate, Ganado Advocates)
01.30 pm Lunch
Antoine Cremona Event photo

Antoine Cremona
Ganado Advocates

Calvin Calleja
Ganado Advocates

Dr. Pauline Debono
Senior Legal Counsel
Hili Ventures Limited

Adrian Dalli
Director General

Director of Contracts

Krista Refalo
Ganado Advocates

Ninette Gatt
Senior Manager – Strategy and Operations
Department of Contracts

Clement Mifsud-Bonnici
Senior Associate
Ganado Advocates

Dr. Gordon Cordina
Executive Director
e-Cubed Consultants Ltd

Prof. Mario Thomas Vassallo
Head of Department of Public Policy, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy
University of Malta


The Xara Lodge, Sqaq Tac-Cawla, Triq It-Tigrija, Ir-Rabat RBT 5320

Should you have any questions about the seminar, kindly contact the marketing team on or call on +356 2123 5406.